
Compliance certificates what you need to know

QUESTION? I am selling my property.  Who is responsible to provide compliance certificates (CoC) and what CoC’s should be obtained. ANSWER: The Seller usually carries the obligation to provide and pay for the CoC’s.  The …

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Basic guidance with drafting of a will

If you want to make use of our offer for a free basic will, it includes the following: For further assistance or information, please contact us on

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Increase in deeds office fees – 1 April 2024

An amendment to the Schedule of Fees of Office, as prescribed by the Regulations to the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, was published under GN R4447 in Government Gazette 50239 dated 29th February 2024.  Click here …

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Navigating Spousal Approval in Property Sales: A Legal Insight

Despite the presence of various safeguards in property transactions, instances occur where a spouse married in community of property sells immovable property without their partner’s consent or knowledge. The Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984, …

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